"INVISIBLE THREAD" - Contemporary Art Portugal & China - Macao

“Invisible Thread”

Contemporary art Portugal – Macao | China


葡萄牙 –  澳门/中国当代艺术

This year 2019 marks the celebration of the 40th anniversary of official diplomatic

relations between Portugal and China and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of

RAEM, the Macao’s Special Administrative Region.

In this context, the present UCCLA exhibition has as its main purpose the promotion

of dialogue through contemporary artistic manifestations, bringing together for this a

group of Chinese artists in the connection and confrontation with Portuguese artists,

witch have in theirs path some connection with China.

This bridge of affinity between artists and their discourses, aims to reflect on the past

while simultaneously looking to the future, in a critical attitude of exchange,

celebration, approach and encounter.

Having its origin in an ancient Chinese belief, the Invisible Thread or the "thread of

destiny", speaks about an invisible red thread that unites people who are destined to

meet, regardless of time or place.

Curated by Carolina Quintela and coordinated by Adelaide Ginga, this collective

exhibition brings together, in the various aesthetic and medium discourses, works by

artists Ana + Betânia, Ana Pérez-Quiroga, Antonio Júlio Duarte, Bai Ming, Chan Wai

Fai, Fernão Cruz, Jose Drummond, Jose Apples of Oak, Liu Jianhua, Mio Pang Fei,

Nuno Cera, Pedro Valdez Cardoso, Rui Rasquinho and Wong Ka Long.